I started my coupon journey over 5 years ago months ago. I had used coupons in the past, but I never really stuck to it. My dad actually had a lot to do with it! He was telling my husband and I, to buy an extra thing or two every time I shop. Well I was racking my brains on how that was going to happen with a family of four and living pay check to pay check, like most people do. It was within a day or two that I had seen Melanie (my cousins wife) post something about coupons. At that time it hit me and it hit me hard!!! I was never the one to pay full price for clothes ( I love the clearance section!) and I said to myself, this is the solution, to start couponing!! I have been a hard core coupon addict since then! I started researching and came across a few blogs that helped me to learn how to coupon. My first shopping trip I saved like 20.00 or 30.00 dollars. The more I researched and more I learned the, the more I saved! Not only do I work full time, but I am also a wife and a mother of 2. But that still has never stopped me from looking for coupons, deals and steals! Every spare moment & on my days off also. I started to build a stockpile and was pleasantly surprised to see my savings sky rocket as my stockpile got larger. That was the key, have enough on hand so that you are not purchasing your frequently used items each week. Now I can shop all the time & still have money left over! This is the best financially my husband & I have been in the 5 1/2 years that we have been together! I like to call my coupons a bit of financial freedom! I am a true coupon addict and I love it!